I spent 45 years trying to get clarity about my 'being different'. I could never answer yes to the question if I had been searching for something, until I realized that I had been traveling and searching all my life. From the Arctic to Antarctica my search took me, but no place and no person could fill the inner emptiness.

My experienced "addiction" therapies, seminars, books supported exactly this search. What I experienced through many forms of therapy was this feeling of already knowing everything and at the same time knowing nothing. Mostly it was about family stories, self-confidence problems or similar 'tangible' things, I met people, heard their stories and found no solution for my inner emptiness. I had the feeling of never arriving.

Only through a deeply touching relationship with a man in 2016, I - my soul was ready to face this trauma. In a family constellation the twins "showed up". I am very grateful to this man, because without him I would not have been able to recognize it.

Today I am grateful, because without the loss of my twins, I would never have seen and learned so much of the world. Above all, today I help other people in whom I recognize the twin theme to understand and accept themselves better.

2017  The first congress on the onlyborn twin here with Ira Hauptmann.

The drama in the womb Austermann
Only-begotten twin Dr. Michelle Haintz
The lost twin Hans-Peter Hepe
The dilemma Dr. med. Ero Langlotz

Tim Bendzko's songs go very close to me and simply under my skin ...